the best rooms also have something to say about the people who live in them

by - März 02, 2020

    *alirium* DwarfForest [OldGold]   
    Apple Fall Lily Wicker Chair 
    Apple Fall Summer Parasol 
    Dust Bunny & Con . Florence Bedroom . Rug . White  
    Elm. Nia Lamp [White]   
    1. Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Lanterns Light    @The Arcade
    11. Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Curtain Tied [White]   @The Arcade
    9. Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Nightstand [Light]    @The Arcade
    6. Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Seat Light [Bare]   @The Arcade
    Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Bed RARE   @The Arcade
    7. Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Screen [Light]   @The Arcade
    5. Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Seat Light [Blanket]  @The Arcade
    12. Elm. Malika Bedroom Gacha - Curtain Straight [Orange]   @The Arcade
    Fancy Decor: Harper Floor Lamp 
    Foxwood ~ Delilah ~ Spaniel Resting (static)   
    hive // hanging devil's ivy plant . light   
    hive // kentia palm plant  
     PLAAKA DriedEucalyptusVase   @The Arcade
    Rare - Raindale - Morningdream cottage   @The Arcade

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