Credits: DaD - "Byron Pavillon" @C88 DaD "Byron Hanging Chair" @C88 LB_KatsuraTree.v1{Animated}4Seasons @Limit8 [Kres] Wild Gaelic Garden - Stone Feature . a i s l i n g . Old Fountain w/stoneground *alirium* DwarfForest [ keke ] scruffy grass . summer .
This is a blog dedicated to farmhouse style living created with wooden finishes, neutral colors, beautiful lightening and keeping things simple. Farmhouse style means a little different to everyone, for me it is giving a warm and inviting feeling in a clean and bright room with neutral colors and a cozy and comfy mood. My passion is decorating, photography and good food. And this is where my blog comes in. I am so thankful to be able to take my passions and share them with others in the hopes of inspiring them to fill their lives with things they enjoy as well.
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